YouTube Shorts is a new feature on YouTube that allows creators to create short, 15-second videos using the YouTube mobile app. Here are a few ways you can […]
Managed File Transfer: The Key to Secure Data Exchange in 2023 and Beyond
Managed File Transfer (MFT) is a process of securely exchanging large and sensitive files between different organizations and individuals. In simple terms, it is a way to transfer […]
Javascript Variables
In JavaScript, variables are used to store and manipulate data. They are declared using the var, let, or const keyword, and they can hold various types of values.
Javascript Data Types
JavaScript data types are essential building blocks used to represent different kinds of information in programming. They define the nature of values and how they can be manipulated.
Javascript Operators and Expressions
Javascipt Operators are symbols that perform operations on values or variables. JavaScript provides a variety of operators for performing different types of operations.
Javascript Control Flow Control Structures:
Other control flow structures, like the break statement, the continue statement, and the return statement within functions, allow you to manage the flow of execution within loops and functions.
Top 20 JavaScript Array Interview Questions With Answers
Easy Coding School has curated a compilation of the JavaScript interview questions that are commonly asked. Kindly take the time to read through them attentively.
How many types of JavaScript arrays
Learn how each type of arrays in JavaScript, from single-dimensional and multidimensional arrays to typed arrays and array-like objects and more.
Javascript Objects
JavaScript has different object types: basic objects for data storage, arrays for lists, and functions for reusable code and tasks.
Javascript ES6+ Features
Unlock ECMAScript 6’s potential at Easy Coding School. Dive into its new features chapter by chapter for a comprehensive understanding of JavaScript’s latest advancements.
Javascript Closures and Scope
Learn about powerful closures for data encapsulation and how scope governs variable access. Dive into lexical scoping, scope chains, and variable hoisting for cleaner, more efficient code
Javascript Promises and Asynchronous
Discover asynchronous programming with Promises in JavaScript. Simplify delayed task handling and enhance code clarity using async techniques
Javascript Modules and ES6 Modules
Explore modular JavaScript and the power of ES6 modules for organized and reusable code. Learn about exports, imports, and improved code structure with ES6 module system.
Introduction to JavaScript Frameworks
Discover JavaScript frameworks: React, Angular, Vue.js, Next.js. Simplifying web development, crafting dynamic user interfaces for modern applications
Why TypeScript Matters in Modern Web Development
Explore TypeScript, the JavaScript upgrade that offers strong typing, modern features, and error prevention.
A Comprehensive Guide to TypeScript: Installation, Configuration, and Best Practices
Get started with TypeScript: installation, configuration, and coding tips for a smoother development experience.
Migration to TypeScript
Discover top tips for a seamless transition. Learn how to harness TypeScript’s power, from gradual adoption to avoiding ‘any’ types. Get expert advice to optimize your codebase and ensure a successful TypeScript migration.
Exploring TypeScript Language Service Features with a Practical Example in Visual Studio Code
Check out Visual Studio Code’s TypeScript Language Service. Learn about type checking, navigation, diagnostics, and simple refactoring in this TypeScript development guide.
Understanding TypeScript’s Structural Typing: Duck Typing and Compatibility Explained with Examples
Discover Shape Over Declarations in TypeScript’s structural typing. Learn from Examples
TypeScript Fundamental Comparison Rules
Explore the fundamental differences between TypeScript and JavaScript. Learn how TypeScript’s static typing, type annotations, and advanced features enhance code reliability and maintainability compared to standard JavaScript.
Mastering TypeScript: Type Declarations, Type Assertions, and Non-null Assertions
Unlock TypeScript’s power with our in-depth guide to Type Declarations, Type Assertions, and Non-null Assertions.” Learn how to improve TypeScript type safety & precision for a more robust and free of mistakes programming process.
Ambient Declarations in TypeScript
how to efficiently use ambient declarations in TypeScript, creating types for external libraries and browser APIs, and the possible benefits (increase code quality and type safety).
Mastering Property Checking and Excess Property Checking in TypeScript
Explore TypeScript’s property checking and excess property checking to write safer code. Learn through examples and handle extra properties effectively.
Strict Object Literal Checking (Freshness) in TypeScript
Discover how Strict Object Literal Checking, or Freshness, in TypeScript improves code quality, catches errors, and enhances project reliability.
Art of programming
The art of programming is the skill of controlling complexity. This skill take time to develop, below some advices for this long journey to become better programmer: 👉Start […]
Exploring Advanced Type Inference in TypeScript
Unlock the power of advanced type inference in TypeScript, enhancing type safety and expressiveness in your code.
Override Private Methods of Third-Party Modules in Magento 2
Learn the way to manipulate of your Magento 2 to override Third-Party private modules.