A front-end developer is responsible for creating the user-inter-face of a website or web application.
HTML Editors
Web pages can be created and modified by using professional HTML editors like Visual Studio Code, Sublime text editor, Atom editor, Bluefish, etc.
HTML Elements
An HTML element is defined by a start tag and an end tag. It contains some content between them.
JavaScript topic-based learning roadmap
Easy Coding School offers a javaScript topic-based learning roadmap to navigate various topics, but keep in mind that your learning journey is unique.
Why should you Study JavaScript?
JavaScript is the world’s most popular programming language. It is a programming language, Which is easy to learn.
CSS Introduction
Styling is crucial for websites. It boosts their appearance, making them user-friendly. Nobody desires to engage with a boring and unkempt website.
CSS Syntax
CSS syntax involves a selector, a property, and its value. Selectors aim at HTML elements for styling. CSS properties and values are linked using semicolons, matching selector names with their property-value meanings.
Complete Roadmap For ReactJS
Discover ReactJS, the widely popular open-source JavaScript library that’s transforming web development with its dynamic user interface creation capabilities.
CSS Selectors
CSS selectors are used to style specific elements in an HTML document based on attributes, classes, IDs, and relationships.
CSS Combinators
CSS combinators define relationships between HTML elements in selectors, allowing precise targeting based on relative positions.
JavaScript DOM(Document Object Model)
The DOM is required because with the help of DOM, JavaScript easily to understand, interact with, and modify web pages. It works as a bridge between code and web content, making it possible to create dynamic and interactive websites.