TypeScript, a statically typed superset of JavaScript, has become a powerhouse in the world of web development. Its commitment to enhancing developer productivity, code quality, and maintainability has earned it a special place in the hearts of many developers. To stay ahead in the ever-evolving landscape of web development, it’s crucial to understand the TypeScript roadmap. In this humanized summary, we’ll take you on a journey through the TypeScript roadmap, highlighting key features, improvements, and what they mean for developers like you.
- The Evolution of TypeScript
TypeScript has seen remarkable growth since its inception. It continues to evolve, thanks to a vibrant community and dedicated developers at Microsoft. The TypeScript roadmap encompasses several key aspects:
- Language Features: TypeScript is constantly enhancing the language itself. Features like optional chaining, nullish coalescing, and template literal types have already made coding more efficient. Future additions aim to further streamline coding and improve type inference.
- Tooling: TypeScript’s integration with popular code editors like Visual Studio Code is a game-changer. The roadmap includes plans to improve code editing experiences and make it even easier for developers to catch errors before runtime.
- Performance: TypeScript is becoming faster and more memory-efficient. This means your code will run faster and require fewer resources, improving overall application performance.
TypeScript Roadmap Highlights
Introduction to TypeScript
- TypeScript: An Introduction
- What is TypeScript?
- Why TypeScript?
- TypeScript and JavaScript
- TypeScript Code Generation
- Modern JavaScript Now (Downleveling)
Getting Started With TypeScript
- Getting Started With TypeScript
- Installation
- Configuration
- TypeScript Configuration File (
)- target
- lib
- strict
- module
- moduleResolution
- esModuleInterop
- jsx
- skipLibCheck
- files
- include
- exclude
- TypeScript Configuration File (
Migration to TypeScript
- Migration to TypeScript Advice
Exploring the Type System
- Exploring the Type System
- The TypeScript Language Service
- Structural Typing
- TypeScript Fundamental Comparison Rules
- Types as Sets
- Assigning a Type: Type Declarations and Type Assertions
- Type Declaration
- Type Assertion
- Non-null Assertion
- Ambient Declarations
- Property Checking and Excess Property Checking
- Weak Types
- Strict Object Literal Checking (Freshness)
- Type Inference
- More Advanced Inferences
- Type Widening
- Const
- Const Modifier on Type Parameters
- Explicit Type Annotation
- Const Assertion
- Type Narrowing
- Conditions
- Throwing or Returning
- Discriminated Union
- User-defined Type Guards
Primitive Types
- Primitive Types
- string
- boolean
- number
- bigInt
- symbol
- null and undefined
- Array
- any
- Type Annotations
- Optional Properties
- Readonly Properties
- Index Signatures
- Extending Types
- Literal Types
- Literal Inference
- strictNullChecks
- Non-null Assertion Operator (Postfix !)
- Enums
- Numeric enums
- String enums
- Constant enums
- Reverse Mapping
- Ambient Enums
- Computed and Constant Members
- Narrowing
- typeof Type Guards
- Truthiness Narrowing
- Equality Narrowing
- In Operator Narrowing
- instanceof Narrowing
- Assignments
- Control Flow Analysis
- Type Predicates
- Discriminated Unions
- The
Type - Exhaustiveness Checking
- Object Types
- Tuple Type
- Fixed Length Tuple
- Union Type
- Intersection Types
- Type Indexing
- Type from Value
- Type from Func Return
- Type from Module
- Mapped Types
- Conditional Types
- Distributive Conditional Types
- “infer” Type Inference in Conditional Types
- Predefined Conditional Types
- Template Union Types
- Any Type
- Unknown Type
- Void Type
- Never Type
- Conditional Types
- Interface and Type
- Common Syntax
- Basic Types
- Objects and Interfaces
- Union and Intersection Types
- Built-in Type Primitives
- Common Built-in JS Objects
- Overloads
- Get & Set
- Merging and Extension
- Differences between Type and Interface
- Class
- Class Common Syntax
- Constructor
- Private and Protected Constructors
- Access Modifiers
- Auto-Accessors in Classes
- Parameter Properties
- Abstract Classes
- With Generics
- Decorators
- Class Decorators
- Property Decorator
- Method Decorator
- Getter and Setter Decorators
- Inheritance
- Statics
- Property Initialization
- Method Overloading
- Generics
- Generic Type
- Generic Classes
- Generic Constraints
- Generic Contextual Narrowing
- Erased Structural Types
- Namespacing
- Symbols
- Triple-Slash Directives
- Type Manipulation
- Creating Types from Types
- Indexed Access Types
- Utility Types
- Awaited<T>
- Partial<T>
- Required<T>
- Readonly<T>
- Record<K, T>
- Pick<T, K>
- Omit<T, K>
- Exclude<T, U>
- Extract<T, U>
- NonNullable<T>
- Parameters<T>
- ConstructorParameters<T>
- ReturnType<T>
- InstanceType<T>
- ThisParameterType<T>
- OmitThisParameter<T>
- ThisType<T>
- Uppercase<T>
- Lowercase<T>
- Capitalize<T>
- Uncapitalize<T>
- Others
- Errors and Exception Handling
- Asynchronous Language Features
- Iterators and Generators
- TsDocs JSDoc Reference
- @types
- ES6 Modules
- ES7 Exponentiation Operator
- The for-await-of Statement
- New.target
- Dynamic Import Expressions
- “tsc –watch”
- Definite Assignment Assertions (!)
- Defaulted Declarations
- “const” Assertions
- Optional Chaining
- Nullish Coalescing Operator (??)
- Template Literal Types
- Function Overloading
- Recursive Conditional Types
- ECMAScript Module Support in Node.js
- Assertion Functions
- Variadic Tuple Types
- Boxed Types
- Key Remapping in Mapped Types
- Covariance and Contravariance in TypeScript
- Optional Variance Annotations for Type Parameters
- Symbol and Template String Pattern Index Signatures
- The satisfies Operator
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