In TypeScript, types can be thought of as sets in the sense that they define sets of values that a variable can have. TypeScript’s type system is designed to help you catch type-related errors at compile-time and provide better code documentation. When you define a type in TypeScript, you are essentially defining a set of values that a variable with that type can take.
Some more examples of using TypeScript types as sets:
Union Types:
Creating a type that represents a set of multiple possible values.
type Fruit = 'apple' | 'banana' | 'orange';
let myFruit: Fruit;
myFruit = 'apple'; // Valid
myFruit = 'grape'; // Error: Type '"grape"' is not assignable to type 'Fruit'.
Intersection Types: Combining two types to create a new type that represents the intersection of their sets.
type Animal = { name: string };
type Bird = { canFly: boolean };
type FlyingBird = Animal & Bird;
const eagle: FlyingBird = { name: 'Eagle', canFly: true }; // Valid
const penguin: FlyingBird = { name: 'Penguin', canFly: false }; // Error: Property 'canFly' is missing in type '{ name: string; }' but required in type 'Bird'.
Enum Types:
Enumerated types represent a finite set of named values.
enum Gender {
Male = 'male',
Female = 'female',
Other = 'other',
let myGender: Gender;
myGender = Gender.Male; // Valid
myGender = 'unknown'; // Error: Type '"unknown"' is not assignable to type 'Gender'.
Generic Types:
Using generics to create a type that works with different sets of values.
type Wrapper = { value: T };
const stringWrapper: Wrapper = { value: 'Hello' }; // Valid
const numberWrapper: Wrapper = { value: 42 }; // Valid
const booleanWrapper: Wrapper = { value: true }; // Valid
Function Types: Defining types for functions, which represent sets of valid function signatures.
type AddFunction = (a: number, b: number) => number;
const add: AddFunction = (x, y) => x + y; // Valid
const subtract: AddFunction = (x, y) => x - y; // Error: Type '(x: number, y: number) => number' is not assignable to type 'AddFunction'.
Mapped Types:
Mapped types allow you to create new types based on the keys of an existing type.
type User = {
id: number;
username: string;
email: string;
type UserKeys = keyof User; // "id" | "username" | "email"
const key: UserKeys = "username"; // Valid
const invalidKey: UserKeys = "age"; // Error: Type '"age"' is not assignable to type '"id" | "username" | "email"'.
Conditional Types: Conditional types allow you to create types that depend on a condition.
type IsString = T extends string ? true : false;
type A = IsString; // true
type B = IsString; // false
Tuple Types: Types that represent arrays with specific lengths and element types.
type Point2D = [number, number];
const point: Point2D = [1, 2]; // Valid
const invalidPoint: Point2D = [1, "2"]; // Error: Type 'string' is not assignable to type 'number'.
Record Types:
Types for objects with a fixed set of keys and value types.
type Person = {
name: string;
age: number;
const person: Record = {
name: "John",
age: 30,
}; // Valid
const invalidPerson: Record = {
name: "John",
age: "30",
}; // Error: Type 'string' is not assignable to type 'number'.
Type Aliases:
Creating a new type that is a union or intersection of existing types.
type Circle = { kind: "circle"; radius: number };
type Square = { kind: "square"; sideLength: number };
type Shape = Circle | Square;
const circle: Shape = { kind: "circle", radius: 5 }; // Valid
const triangle: Shape = { kind: "triangle", base: 4 }; // Error: Object literal may only specify known properties...
Conditional Type with Generics:
type MyConditionalType = T extends string ? number : boolean;
const result1: MyConditionalType = 42; // Valid
const result2: MyConditionalType = true; // Valid
const result3: MyConditionalType = "hello"; // Valid
const result4: MyConditionalType<string[]> = false; // Valid
These examples show how the TypeScript type system may be used to build and manipulate sets of values, specify restrictions, and improve type safety in your code.
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